lördag 19 januari 2013

HP LaserJet P1005 on Synology DiskStation


fredag 11 januari 2013

OpenVPN (Anonine) and Synology DSM

After trying to get OpenVPN to work on our Synology DiskStation without luck, and searching the web for guidance me and my SO finally got it to work. This will use the VPN Server-method since the VPN Client-method with the pseudo connection never worked for us.


  • Make sure you've activated SSH-acces to your Diskstation (google for guide). 
  • You also need a program (i.e Putty) to access your Diskstation through SSH (google putty.exe)


Firstly, go to your Anonine (or other OpenVPN-provider) and download your certificate file. With Anonine the certificate is in a downloadable zipfile (ends with *.crt), just unzip it to any folder.

install vpn server

copy crt file
create userpass file

start putty
login as user: root
password: your admin passoword
go to the config files folder by typing
cd /usr/syno/etc/packages/VPNCenter/openvpn

then type:
vi openvpn.conf.user

to start writing, press the letter i
enter the following (if you are using another provder than anonine, change the urls accordingly)
dev tap
proto udp
remote openvpn.anonine.net 1194
remote openvpn.anonine.net 1195
remote openvpn-2.anonine.net 1196
remote openvpn-2.anonine.net 1197
remote openvpn-3.anonine.net 1198
remote openvpn-3.anonine.net 1199
remote openvpn-4.anonine.net 1200
remote openvpn-4.anonine.net 1201
resolv-retry infinite
auth-user-pass userpass
ca ca.crt
ns-cert-type server
reneg-sec 0
verb 3
#plugin /lib/openvpn/openvpn-down-root.so /etc/ppp/ip-down
#log openvpn.log

now tick the box to start openvpn server in DSM webinterface (VPN Server) and apply.
to check if it's working: see www.checkmytorrentip.com

thanks to:
